Green Pathway to Tomorrow

1. The program content:

Sunday: Arrivals of the participants to Helsinki, Finland

Monday: Welcoming ceremony
– Introduction to Climate Change
– Examining the causes and effects of climate change
– Identifying the challenges and opportunities for combating climate change
– Discussing the relevance of climate change to education

Tuesday: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
– Understanding the 17 SDGs and their interconnectedness
– Examining the relevance of the SDGs to education
– Identifying ways to integrate the SDGs into teaching and learning

Wednesday: Green Schools
– Understanding the concept of a green school
– Identifying the benefits of green schools
– Examining case studies of successful green schools

Thursday: Climate Action in the Classroom
– Understanding the role of teachers in promoting climate action
– Identifying strategies for teaching about climate change and sustainability
– Examining resources and tools for promoting climate action in the classroom

Friday: Action Planning and Implementation
– Identifying school action plans for promoting sustainability and climate action
– Group work and peer review of action plans
– Final sitting and certification ceremony

Saturday: Departure from Turku, Finland

2. Description of the proposed activity:

The program content is designed to help teachers understand the science behind climate change, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the concept of green schools, strategies for promoting climate action in the classroom, and opportunities for policy and advocacy work. Through interactive sessions and case studies, teachers will learn how to integrate the SDGs into their teaching and learning activities, identify strategies for teaching about climate change and sustainability and examine resources and tools for promoting climate action in the classroom. They will also explore the concept of green schools and the benefits of adopting sustainable practices in school management and operations.

The program content:

Day 1:
Introduction to Sustainability (webinar by the staff of Olemisen Balanssia RY)
Preparing joint project materials such as posters or murals that represent common ideas and goals for sustainability by the pupils

Day 2:
Cooking workshop to learn how to prepare a sustainable meal organized by the partner schools
Creating a recipe booklet that includes the recipes and sustainable food practices by the pupils

Day 3:
Working in groups to create a project focused on climate action by the schools
Organizing a local clean-up event by the schools
Developing a digital presentation showcasing their project in a virtual meeting with the partner organizations on Twinspace.


Description of the proposed activity:

During the program, participants engage in a comprehensive three-day journey focused on sustainability and climate action. The first day introduces the concept of sustainability and encourages collaborative creativity as participants work together to create a visual representation of shared sustainability ideas and goals. On the second day, they dive into the practical aspect of sustainability through a cooking workshop, gaining valuable skills in preparing sustainable meals. Additionally, they compile their newfound knowledge into a recipe booklet that emphasizes sustainable food practices. Finally, on the third day, participants form groups to develop climate action projects aimed at making a positive impact in their communities. This includes organizing a local clean-up event to address environmental concerns. To cap it off, they prepare digital presentations, showcasing their projects during virtual meetings with partner organizations, fostering cooperation and shared commitment to sustainability.

1. The program content:

Sunday: Arrivals of the participants to Grimbergen, Belgium

Monday: Welcoming ceremony
– Speech of the principal
– Ice-breaking activities

Tuesday: Renewable Energy Tour
– Visiting local renewable energy installations such as wind farms or solar power plants to learn how these technologies work
and the benefits they provide
– Investigating the challenges and opportunities of transitioning to a renewable energy economy in a discussion session
– Tower Building Challenge, Making a Logo contest for the eTwinning project and selecting of the best logo

Wednesday: Cycling for Sustainability
– Organizing an activity titled “”Cycling for Sustainability”” in which pupils will be encouraged to cycle instead of other types of vehicles

Thursday: Sustainable Food Day
– Making research on sustainable food practices and creating a menu of locally sourced plant-based meals for a day-long event
– Working with the school cafeteria staff to prepare and serve the meals and educate their peers about the benefits of
sustainable food choices.

Friday: Final sitting and certification ceremony
– Program reflection and insights
– Presenting certificates to the participants

Saturday: Departure from Grimbergen, Belgium


2. Description of the proposed activity:

The week-long program in Grimbergen, Belgium, is going to be a dynamic and educational experience that fosters sustainability awareness. Participants engage in activities ranging from renewable energy tours to sustainable food initiatives. These hands-on experiences promote environmental consciousness, teamwork, and personal growth, culminating in a final ceremony that recognizes their achievements. As they depart, they carry with them the knowledge and inspiration to make a positive impact on their communities and the environment.

1. The content of the proposed activity:

Day 1:
Introduction to Sustainable Living and the 6Rs: Staff from Olemisen Balanssia RY provide an informative webinar on sustainable living, emphasizing the 6Rs: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair

Day 2:
Crafting and Sustainability Project 1: DIY Beeswax Wrap Workshop:
Participants create their own beeswax wraps, reducing their reliance on single-use plastics for food storage. They gain practical skills in crafting sustainable alternatives and become more conscious of eco-friendly choices in their daily routines

Day 3:
Crafting and Sustainability Project 2: Organic Soap Making:
Participants explore the art of creating organic soap, incorporating sustainable and natural ingredients.
Virtual Project Presentation: Each participant or group develops a digital presentation showcasing their sustainable living and upcycling projects.


2. Description of the proposed activity:

The proposed activity program centers on fostering sustainable living practices and environmental awareness among participants. It kicks off with a comprehensive webinar on sustainable living principles, highlighting the importance of the 6Rs: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Repair. On the second day, participants engage in a hands-on crafting project by creating their eco-friendly beeswax wraps, reducing their reliance on single-use plastics and gaining valuable crafting skills. The final day features another crafting endeavor, this time focused on the art of making organic soap using sustainable and natural ingredients. Additionally, participants develop digital presentations that showcase their sustainable living and upcycling projects, enhancing their ability to communicate and share their eco-conscious initiatives.

1. The program content:

– Arrivals of the participants to Offenburg, Germany

Monday: Welcoming Ceremony & Team Building
– Warm welcome and program introduction
– Ice-breaking activities for team bonding

Tuesday: Eco-Art Exhibition
– Creating artwork on environmental themes
– Art exhibition in school’s halls

Wednesday: Sustainable Food Competition
– Sustainable food contest promoting eco-friendly choices
– Learning about food’s environmental and social impact

Thursday: “Greener World” Workshop
– Exploration of current environmental issues
– Structured debates for critical thinking

Friday: Final Session & Certification
– Program reflection and insights
– Final sitting and certification ceremony

Saturday: Departure from Offenburg, Germany


2. Description of the proposed activity:

The activity plan, titled “”What to do for a Greener World,”” is designed to engage participants in various environmentally-themed activities. It includes a welcoming ceremony and ice-breaking activities on Monday, an Eco-Art Exhibition on Tuesday, a Sustainable Food Competition promoting eco-conscious food choices on Wednesday, a Thursday workshop focused on environmental issues and debates, and concludes with a final session and certification ceremony on Friday. This program blends creativity, sustainability education, and critical discussions to inspire greener actions.

1. The content of the proposed activity:

Day 1:
– Introduction to Sustainable Fashion
– Collaborative project, such as a fashion sketch or mood board, representing shared ideas and goals for sustainable

Day 2:
– Upcycling workshop to learn how to transform old clothes into new, stylish pieces
– Creating a booklet that includes the techniques and sustainable fashion practices learned in the workshop

Day 3:
– Working in groups to create a sustainable fashion project
– Organizing a sustainable fashion show
– Developing a digital presentation showcasing their project in a virtual meeting with partner organizations


2. Description of the proposed activity:

The proposed activity, “”Exploring Sustainable Fashion””, spans three days and aims to immerse participants in sustainable fashion practices. It commences with an introduction to sustainable fashion, fostering awareness and shared goals through collaborative projects. Participants then delve into practical skills during an upcycling workshop, where they transform old clothing into stylish, eco-friendly pieces and document their techniques in a booklet. The program culminates with group projects focusing on sustainable fashion, leading to an organized Sustainable Fashion Show. Participants showcase their projects in a digital presentation during a virtual meeting with partner organizations, promoting sustainable creativity and environmental responsibility within the fashion industry.

The program content:

Day 1: Welcoming ceremony and ice-breaking activities
– Pupils will participate in the activities to get to know each other.
– They will calculate their carbon footprint as a demonstration of their awareness of the challenges posed by climate change.

Day 2: Community Service Activity:
– Pupils will participate in a community service project such as cleaning up a local park and planting trees or flowers.
– They will learn about the importance of taking care of the environment and contribute to the community in a meaningful way.

Day 3: Waste Reduction Challenge:
– Pupils will learn about the different types of waste and their environmental impact.
– They will then work in teams to come up with creative solutions for reducing waste in their school or community.
– The teams will present their ideas to a panel of judges, and the winning idea will be implemented in the school or community.

Day 4: Sustainable Fashion Show:
– Pupils will design and create sustainable fashion outfits using recycled materials or sustainable fabrics.
– They will learn about the impact of the fashion industry on the environment and promote sustainable fashion choices.
– The outfits will be showcased in a fashion show at the end of the day.

Day 5: Final Sitting and Certification Ceremony:
– Pupils will reflect on what they have learned during the week and share their ideas for continuing to promote sustainability in their school and community.
– They will receive certificates of completion and celebrate their achievements.